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Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Labuan Mirror, East Borneo


Labuan Mirror Lake one potential Holidays in East Kalimantan, such as the shape of the lake like a giant mirror, which is why this lake has a name that has meaning Labuan Mirror Mirror port because the lake water is so clear blue seems as if every image reflected on it. Labuan Lake Mirror travelers like treasure because not many people know this place, but the beauty of this lake can not be denied.

The lake is located in the village of Biduk-biduk, Berau, East Kalimantan. To achieve this lake, it takes about 20-24 hours away by road from Samarinda or 6 hours by plane from Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan Airport to Cape Redeb. If you already know the Exotic Derawan, then this place can be reached within three hours by ship or boat from Derawan. It is quite tiring in the journey but do not worry boredom will be paid by the beauty of this lake.



To reach Labuan Mirror Lake, visitors must ride the canoe fishermen and travel pass for 15 minutes, penetrating scrub and mangrove forests. The forest was still inhabited by a variety of wild animals such as monkeys, proboscis monkeys, otters and bears.

Because the distance is quite far from the city, rarely or almost no tourists who visit here. This place is only known by the local people from the surrounding area. Facilities and infrastructure was still sober.


Base there is a Fisherman Information Center (PIN) assisted The Nature Conservancy, environmental preservation activist organizations. PIN-shaped house on stilts at the edge of the mouth of a river, just a few hundred meters from the sea. The house had some sort of a small pier where boats moored.

This unique lake which has two streams of water where the top of Labuan Mirror Lake contains freshwater such as lakes in general . But there are a few feet below the flow of salt water . Surprisingly, these two types of water are not mixed . In plain can be seen that the sea water and fresh water are separated by a similar layer of clouds .


until now there has been none among academics who are interested in doing research in this area so that the formation of this phenomenon is still a mystery . Still a conjecture that the white turbid layer occurs due to the results of the basic decomposition harbor organisms that are trapped and can not go. Two types of water in the lake is also presenting two organisms of the world . Freshwater fish live on the surface , while saltwater fish can be found at the bottom of the lake .Salty water can be found at a depth of about 2 meters from the surface of the lake . Apparently the thickness of the layer of freshwater and saltwater can be changed according to the tidal sea water .This tiny lake surrounded by forest and the towering cliff on one side . Not surprisingly, the lake is named Labuan Mirror , until the water is clear so people can reflect on it . Currents in some places quite strong and easy to drag people who can not swim .

 River in front of the PIN brackish water. The water salinity depends on tidal sea water. When the sea receded, the river became very clear that the principle can be seen clearly. From the porch we could see the fish milling about. There are many prickly fish, there are fish that sting and long flat-bodied fish.

Danau Labuan Cermin

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Moyo Island - Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat


Maybe some of us do not know about one of the best tours in Indonesia. Tourism which is situated in the northern part of the island is called Moyo Island Sumbawa. Moyo Island is a world -class attraction in Indonesia. Foreign tourists like Lady Diana and Mick Jagger had a holiday on the island Located about 2.5 km from the island of Sumbawa and included in Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara, Moyo Island, including areas managed exclusively for Amanwana Resort. Offering the beauty and authenticity of nature make Moyo Island attracted many foreign tourists who are looking for tranquility in a vacation.

Attractions offered Moyo Island is quite diverse among waterfalls, rare birds and a variety of underwater beauty of course, supported by the international standard accommodation.

         Once ekslusifnya make Moyo Island tourists should prepare a charge large enough to enjoy it, so the attraction is very rarely visited by domestic tourists.To reach Moyo Island, we can travel from Bali to Sumbawa followed by a big road trip about 10-12 minutes to Air Bari, a coastal village in Sumbawa Besar. From Ai Bari proceed about 15 minutes by speedboat to the island of Moyo.

         If you do not want to do flying through Sumbawa, Lombok flight can be carried through. From Lombok you can travel inland and crossing from port to port Khayangan Tano followed by a road trip to the Sumbawa Besar. The trips take less than five hours by car. A short trip considering we were heading one Indonesian paradise. Let's Enjoy it, and do not forget to make some moment over there.

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

About Me

Nama saya  Fahmi Akbar, Saya lahir di Kota Bontang, 27 Juni 1996, Saya adalah anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara, Ayah saya bernama Abu Bakar Ali dan Ibu saya bernama Rasmawati. Ayah saya adalah seorang Kontraktor di Perusahaan swasta dan Ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Adik Saya yang pertama bernama Kartika Rahmi Nur Alini, Adik Saya sekarang sudah duduk di kelas 2 SMP, Yang kedua Alika Maulidya Rahma yang sekarang kelas 1 SD, dan yang terakhir Fahruzzaki Ali Alvaro yang sekarang masih berusia 11 bulan. Alamat saya di Jalan Veteran No. 58 Rt. 28 Kel. Berbas Tengah Kec. Bontang Selatan Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. 

Pada umur 6 tahun Saya memulai pendidikan di jenjang SD Negeri 001, yang berada di Kel. Tangjung Laut, setelah Saya selesai pada tahun ajaran 2008/2009 dari jenjang SD dan mendapatkan izajah, Saya melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya yaitu di SMP, Pada jenjang SMP Saya bersekolah di SMP  Bahrul Ulum, yang berada di Bontang Utara. Di SMP inilah saya menimba ilmu selama 3 tahun lamanya. Seiring waktu berlalu selama 3 tahun saya menyelesaikan pendidikan pada tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dan saya mendapatkan izajah SMP. kemudian dilanjutkan kejenjang berikutnya yaitu di SMK Swasta YKPP Bontang, yang berada di Kel. Tanjung Laut, adalah tempat Saya mengenakan pakaian putih abu-abu dan menuntut ilmu selama 3 tahun, di SMK ini Saya dibentuk menjadi seorang siswa didik yang memiliki bidang professi yang menjadi bekal bagi saya nantinya. Dan di SMK ini saya memilih bidang profesi atau jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ), disini juga saya banyak mengalami perubahan sikap menjadi lebih dewasa. 
    Oya Saya suka warna Biru langit, hitam dan hijau, suka makanan pedas, hobbi Saya Main Voly, Memancing, dan mencoba hal yang dianggap baru. Suku Saya NTT, Agama saya Islam. Saya harap suatu saat nanti Saya bisa menjadi seorang yang mempekerjakan orang, bukan orang yang dipekerjakan.

   Berbicara tentang prestasi, ada beberapa prestasi yang saya dapatkan selama di SMK :
1. TOP 20 Duta Baca Bontang
2. TOP 5 Menulis Resensi Buku
3. Juara 1 Sutradara Terbaik ( Festival Film Pelajar se-Kalimantan Timur )
4. Juara 1 Penulis Skenario Terbaik ( Festival Film Pelajar se-Kalimantan Timur )
5. Juara 1 Film Pendek Terbaik ( Festival Film Pelajar se-Kalimantan Timur )
6. Juara 2 Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris
7. Juara 3 Lomba Paduan Suara Antar Pelajar
      Pada dasarnya, semua prestasi saya tidak pernah lepas dari yang namanya mengarang dan menulis. Karena saya senang sekali mengarang sesuatu apa yang ada dipikiran fantasi saya. 
Semoga tulisan tentang Contoh Autobiografi diatas dapat kiranya bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semuanya, khususnya bagi teman yang sedang memunyai tugas dari sekolah tentang tata cara penulisan Autobiografi.
Demikian Riwayat Hidup Saya, yang dapat Saya paparkan. Terimakasih…

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Reog Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

One of the many dance art in East Java, Indonesia, which still continue to be preserved is Reog. This art is one of the original buadaya Indonesia originating from the northwestern part. Ponorogo hometown Reog regarded as fact, so-called the Reog Ponorogo. One of the Indonesian culture is steeped in mystical things, so often identified with the black world, the world of supernatural powers. Game art reog always accompanied by traditional music or also called gamelan. Music equipment that is usually used as an accompaniment reog ie gongs, trumpets, drums, ketipung and shakers.

People usually performed during the event reog circumcisions, weddings, big days nationwide, and an annual festival organized by the Local Government Roxburgh. The festival consists of the National Reog Festival, and Festival Reog National Mini Performances are held at the Full Moon on the square Roxburgh. National Reog Festival is always held every year before the month of Muharram or the Java traidisi called the month of Suro. This show is a series of events and Birthday Grebeg Suro Ponorogo City.

Grebeg Suro is spread cultural event held in Ponorogo district in order to meet the Islamic New Year or Saka New Year that often known as the first of Suro. This grand show Reog national level so that the participants had come from various regions in Indonesia that never even came from overseas. This pertujukan become one of the Roxburgh local government in improving attraction for local and foreign travelers. Similarly, the national Mini Reog Festival. All participants are young teens or class. Their average is still sitting in elementary school or junior high school level. They are the next generation that seems Reog growing. The pattern of activity similar to the National Reog Festival, only different is that participants, in addition to the execution time is in August.

Agenda reog other art performances and not less crowded of visitors is the show Reog Full Moon. Performing routine implemented to coincide with the full moon night bulam. Participants of this stage is that the local groups represented by districts - districts. This stage is usually accompanied by a dance performance filmed some of the art studio in ponorogo or other arts. 

Staging Reog Ponorogo Art Reog Ponorogo consists of several series of two to three opening dance. Six to eight valiant men with black clothes and faces painted red brought her first dance. The dancers depict the figure of a lion is brave. The next six to eight girls who ride horses continue reog dance. In reog Traditionally, these dancers are usually played by male dancers dressed women. Typically, as the opening dance, some dance to bring small children with a variety of funny scenes. This dance is called Bujang Ganong or Ganongan. After they performed the opening dance, the core scenes whose content is displayed depends reog condition where the art is displayed. If dealing with marriage then they show a love scene. When the circumcision ceremony, usually warrior story.

Reog art scene usually does not follow a neat scenario. Here there is always interaction between the player and the puppeteer, sometimes with the audience. Sometimes when a player who is performing the fatigue can be replaced by another. The first importance in the staging reog art is to give satisfaction to the audience. The final scene is a lion barong. Players wear a mask-shaped head of a lion with a crown made of peacock feathers. Weight mask can reach 50-60 kg. They brought the mask with his teeth. The ability to bring this mask aside obtained by heavy exercise, also believed to be obtained with such a spiritual exercise of fasting and penance.

Reog Origin Although there are various versions of the origin of reog related, but the most popular stories and thrive in the community is the story of a man of rebellion in the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom last Bhre Kertabhumi named Ki Ageng Fleas Suryonggalan. Bhre Kertabhumi is the king of Majapahit who ruled in the 15th century. King is very corrupt and never fulfill obligations like a king, so make Ki Ageng Fleas wrath to the king. Moreover, the Chinese empress that it has a strong influence on the kingdom. Not only that, fellow Chinese empress who manage the over all his movements. Ki Ageng Fleas view, the power of the Majapahit kingdom will end. Then he left the king and established a college that teaches martial arts, science self immunity, and the science of perfection to young children.

Hopefully, young people will be the seed of the resurrection of the Majapahit kingdom again. Or better, can take the fight to the kingdom. However, Ki Ageng Fleas realized, that his army is too small to fight the royal troops. 

Therefore, Ki Ageng Fleas can only convey a message and sindirian through Reog performing arts. Performance becomes a way of Ki Ageng Reog Flea build local resistance using Reog popularity. Reog art used by Ki Ageng lice as a means of mobilizing the masses to fight against the kingdom. The most important thing is sebagao effective communication channels for the rulers at that time to tease. In the show, displayed mask lion-shaped head, known as the \ \ \ "The lion barong \ \ \". Then the mask-shaped king of the jungle, which became a symbol for Kertabhumi. Above it is plugged in peacock feathers to resemble a giant fan that symbolize the strong influence of his Chinese colleagues.

Jatilan, played by a group of dancers gemblak riding piggyback became a symbol of the power of the Majapahit Empire troops. It became the contrast with Warok force, behind the red clown mask that became the symbol for Ki Ageng lice. Jathilan dexterity is a dance depicting soldiers who were practicing riding on horseback. Character called Jathil. While Warok are people who have a holy determination, provide guidance and protection selfless.


Ki Ageng Fleas Reog popularity eventually led to Bhre Kertabhumi take action and attack perguruannya. Rebellion by Warok quickly overcome, and forbidden to continue teaching college will Warok. But the disciples Ki Ageng lice continues it secretly. Even so, Reog itself is still allowed to be staged because the show has become popular among the people, but the story has a new groove in which the added characters from folklore Kelono Sewandono Ponorogo namely, the Goddess Songgolangit, and Sri Genthayu. 

The official version Reog Ponorogo storyline now is the story of King Ponorogo who intend applying for daughter Kediri, Dewi Ragin Yellow However, on the way he was intercepted by King Singabarong of Kediri. King Singabarong forces consist of peacocks and lions, while the King of the Kingdom of Roxburgh and his Deputy Kelono Bujang Anom, escorted by Warok (men dressed in black in the dance), and this has Warok deadly black magic. The entire dance is a dance of war between the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Kediri Ponorogo, and pitted black magic between them, the dancers in a state of \ \ \ "trance \ \ \" when the dance stage.

Other versions of the origin of Reog is the story of King Kelana trip Sewandana looking for her hero. The King was accompanied by horsemen and his assistance faithful named Pujangganong. The King passed by, he fell hatu to Kediri daughter named Dewi Sanggalangit. The daughter Kediri receptive King Kelana origin with one condition, the prabu should be able to create a new art. The art was created, known as reog by including elements of mystical spiritual powers, giving breath to the art Reog Ponorogo.

Until now people Ponorogo only follow what is their heritage as a very rich cultural heritage. In his experience art is copyright Reog human creations that form the flow of the belief that there are hereditary and awake. The ceremony also use terms that are not easy for a layman to fulfill the absence of a clear lineage. Parental lineage they embrace and customary law still applies. However, times change and human behavior causes a shift in the meaning contained in the Reog Ponorogo. Ponorogo society currently considers art reog is a complement of an event or just a form of entertainment only. For example pementaasan reog contested at certain events to enliven the event, one of the race in the festival.

Jawa Timur, Indonesia