Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Satay, Traditional Food from Java, Indonesia

Sate or satay or sometimes written satai is food made ​​from pieces meat (chicken, goat, sheep, cows, pigs, fish, etc.) are cut into small pieces, and ditusuki with sate puncture is usually made ​​of bamboo, then burnt using wood charcoal. Sate then presented with a variety of seasonings (depends on satay recipe variations).

Sate or satai thought to have come from the ta'mil language . satay created in Java street food vendors around the early 19th century , based on the fact that satay is gaining in popularity around the beginning of the 19th along with her ​​more and more immigrants from Arab and Muslim immigrants Tamil and Gujarat from India to Indonesia , it is also the reason for the popularity of the use of mutton and lamb satay as a favored people of Arab descent .

From Java , satay spread throughout the archipelago which produce diverse variations of satay . And at the end of the 19 skewers across the Strait of Malacca to Malaysia , Singapore and Thailand .

Which is then taken by the nomads of Java and Madura satay which began trading in the neighboring country . In the 19th century the term satay in the neighboring country moves simultaneously with the movement of Malay settlers from the Dutch East Indies to South Africa, there the sate known as sosatie. People also bring this dish and many other Indonesian dishes to the Netherlands .

Recipes and how to manufacture a wide range dependent satay recipe variations and each region. Almost any kind of meat can be made ​​satay. As the country origin of satay, Indonesia has a rich satay recipe variations, see the list of satay.

Usually given satay sauce. This sauce can be soy sauce, peanut sauce, or others. To broil duck pond full menu is satay, peanut sauce or sweet spice spicy seasoning (according to taste) and slices of tomato and cucumber. Then satay is eaten with warm rice or, if in some areas are served with rice cake. Sometimes eaten satay with ketupat.

Satay allegedly created by street food vendors in Java around the early 19th century, based on the fact that satay is gaining in popularity around the beginning of the 19th century along with the increasing number of immigrants from Arabic to Indonesian. It is also the reason for its popular use as mutton and lamb satay ingredients are preferred by people of Arab descent.

Sate type:

1.     Chicken Satay

The chicken satay is Indonesian food. The chicken satay is made ​​from chicken meat. In general, satay chicken cooked with roasted using charcoal. And served with a choice of peanut sauce or seasoning kecap.Sate is usually served along with rice cake or rice.

2.     Sate wrapping

Sate pufferfish, is a kind of satay is made ​​from minced mutton wrapped with goat fat and then burned. Pufferfish, especially satay seasoning is pepper and soy sauce. Sate bundles is typical diet Surakarta

3.      Sate Scallops

Scallop satay is Indonesian food, especially from the city of Surabaya. Sate mussel shells are made ​​of meat. Unique for this satay is that the clam meat used is not burned or baked like other satay, but boiled. Satay is usually served along with rice cake racing, soy sauce and chili souce.

4.     Sate of Bats (wearing buffalo meat)

Sate bat is the typical food of Cirebon. This satay is made ​​from buffalo meat and mashed by way of ground. It was sweet, almost like jerky. Sate called Kalong have, satay seller is only out during the afternoon (like bats that come out when the sun is about to sink) and selling throughout the night. 's Typical to the seller as well, they sack Genta (Klenengan) cows on pikulannya. So that when they walk will hear a cow bell.

5.     Sate Flies (made from mutton or chicken)

Sate flies, or in the language of Madura satay laler commonly called, is not made ​​of flies, but from mutton or chicken, which is cut into small pieces so it looks like a fly. Sate of Pamekasan, Madura minimally burned, not too long. But the peanut sauce and soy sauce to make it taste delicious satay. Sate flies are usually sold per bundle and seikatnya consists of 25 sticks

6.     Sate turtle

Turtle satay, satay is made ​​from a type of turtle meat. Sate is especially widely presented and sold in Bali.

The last few years the consumption of turtle satay decreased because people often consume satay began introspective. In addition to high berkolestrol turtle meat, turtle is also a protected animal.

7.     Sate Torpedo

Sate torpedo, is a kind of satay made ​​from goat penis. Satay is believed to enhance male sexual potency, is true. Scrotum or torpedo is where the male sex hormone. By eating them, one gets additional sex hormones so it is possible to increase sexual potency.

8.   Sate Sate Slugs are snails satay made ​​from a type of snail.

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